Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Seeds From Space...Part 2

Well our seeds from space, and earth, have begun to sprout. The students are very excited every morning to come in and observe what has happened to them overnight. Take a look at the image of our plants. I wonder if being in space had to do with the fact that the seeds from space are developing at a faster rate than the seeds that did not make the trip.

Native American Museum

What a great job the class did on their Native American Museum Projects! We finally finished all the presentations and you can really tell how much effort they all put into completing these. The best part for me had to be the creativity that was involved in making these projects. From gathering sticks to stripping bark, it was really unreal.

Check your email for pictures from the presentations today.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Mr. Baxter vs. Mr. Knight

Today Mr. B and Mr. K competed in a DDR challenge with each other. Rumor has it that Mr. B won both of Mr. K's challenges. Keep practicing.

This video has been brought to you courtesy of Lydia.

The Challenge...Part 2 from Kyle Evans on Vimeo.

Important Dates and Info

With Winter Break quickly approaching here is a quick update of all that is happening, as well as important dates.

12/16 - Book Box/Bag Due
12/17 - Science Test
12/19 - Social Studies Test on Jamestown

Also, 12/19 is a full day of school for the students and 12/17 is still our early release day for next week.

No newsletter this weekend.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Seeds From Space

Today we planted our seeds from space and a seed that did not leave the Earth. We are going to observe the plants and see if there is any difference in the way the two grow here. The kids were also allowed to bring some of the seeds home so they can conduct their own experiment at home!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Videos and Vimeo!

So yesterday we took some videos while we were bowling and one of the students in our class was our Class Videographer in Jamestown. Now the dilemma I had was, how do I share these videos with the parents? Well the answer Mr. Knight came up with was through my student blog in Angel. This way the kids images are safe and secure, but also the kids will know where to go to access these videos in a safe way.

With your son or daughter, if you log in to Angel have them show you the Evansburg blog I use with the class. On the left hand side you should see some links to videos. Click on one, or 5, and enjoy!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere!

Today we took a look at how a single raindrop would get from TJ to the Chesapeake Bay. We saw a really cool slide show about a group of teachers who took a trip (and pictures) to follow a raindrop at their school in Louisa, VA all the way to the Chesapeake Bay.

In Literature we read all about Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears to learn all about cause and effect relationships. Ask your children why these insects do this. The tale you hear just might be interesting.