Here is an excellent link to some really great information about books for kids of all ages. The site is from author James Patterson and it called Read Kiddo Read! This may be just what some of you are looking for!
Yesterday our class was very fortunate to have received a grant from the PTA. Before Winter Break I wrote a grant attempting to purchase an iPod to use in class with my students. Yesterday I found out we would be receiving an iPod, as well as a $50 iTunes gift card to begin working our library up. Now I assure you we will not be using this iPod to listen to music or even watch movies, but we will be putting the $50 toward audio books. My main motivation behind writing this grant was to try and encourage my "less than willing" readers to want to read. And who wouldn't want to use an iPod? I hope this could be a big breakthrough for my students! Stay tuned.
We have been starting a revolution in Social Studies recently, not like the Beatles, but the American Revolution. Discussing taxation without representation, the different taxes the King put on the colonists, and so on. Today we began Social Studies by watching a little clip from Schoolhouse Rock, so I thought I would post it here for you all to enjoy as well. I am sure many of you watched this show growing up. What song do you remember?
Today we participated in the Geography Bee. The students were very excited, and a little nervous, about the questions that would be asked. The kids all did a great job and cheered each other...really clapping for each other. We had a blast and will wait to see if any of our classmates are in the Top 10 for TJ. If so there will be a 2nd part of the competition later this week.
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great break...I can't believe it's already over. Anyway, I am not sure if you had a chance to check out the Falls Church News Press this week, but our class received a little publicity. Check out this online edition and go to page 37. You will find the article about our seeds there and a picture taken by our very own Kenya B.
This is my 8th year teaching, 6th with 4th grade here at TJ. I am currently working on my Master's Degree in Science Education Leadership. I spend a lot of my spare time at GMHS working with the girl's basketball program.