Monday, September 29, 2008


Today was our first day of switching math classes. Some of the students, all but 2 leave me, have a new math teacher. It's a great way for the 4th grade teacher's to meet the needs of each student...since every class meets his/her needs based on pre-test data.

This is the first step in getting the students ready for MEH. Going to a different teacher for Math gives the students an opportunity to be responsible. They need to make sure they take all of their necessary supplies to class with them...big responsibility!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Last Day of Stanfords!

I am not sure who is more excited about the last day or Stanfords...the kids or the teachers. It's sort of like the last day of school! One thing I know for sure, is that everyone is ready to get back to our normal schedule.

Yesterday our community came up with a flag to represent our community of Evansburg. There was a tie between 2 flags, so we will be making one flag out of two.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Stanford Testing

This morning we began our Stanford testing. It was a very long day for the kids, but they handled it very well. Right now we are taking a little breather just to relax before we finish off our day. There will be very little homework coming home this week.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Do YOU believe?

I am not sure if any of you have seen this, I think this video puts it all in perspective. Amazing!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Afternoon and 4 Square!

What a way to end to 3rd week of school...can you believe we are already done with 3 weeks of school? Anyway, the class and I went outside today to enjoy the great weather. Some of the kids played on the swings, played soccer, or wall ball. Most of the class however, at least the boys (and Amelia), played some 4 Square with Mr. Evans. We all had a great time and Avi even taught me some new rules!

Have a great weekend!

Stanford Practice

This morning we spent a good portion of our time preparing for the Stanford Achievment Test we will be taking all next week. The class seemed to do very well and ask a lot of questions. Most of their questions were dealing with the whole process and what next week will be like in terms of homework! :) It's amazing what they are concerned about. As teachers and parents we are concerned about how well they will do, but the kids are concerned about their homework during the week...too funny!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chatting with Mrs. Seaver

This afternoon Mrs. Seaver came to our class to discuss other people's feelings. We talked about different ways to not only help out our fellow classmates, but also people we work and live with! What a great concept to teach our kids at this age. It's something we can all use a little refresher in from time to time. I loved hearing their ideas on how we can help people to feel better!

We also talked about how our feelings about certain "things" may change over time.

Some of the comments from the class meeting today...

"Just because you have different feelings about something from your friend's doesn't mean you can't be friends."

"When I was younger I liked to go swimming and....I still do!"

"When I was younger I didn't like to swim because I didn't know how, but now I love it!"

Isn't it fun to get inside their minds for a little while...just for a little while. :)

What We're Reading!

Right now the students are getting "Reaquainted with Reading". Each student is reading one of three books (101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher; The School Story; Sideways Storys From Wayside School). These books all share at least one commone theme...SCHOOL!

The students are not only working on getting back in to the school routine of reading, but also how to talk with each other in our "Book Groups". Some of the conversations they are having are simply amazing!


Welcome to our latest class tool. I will use this blog more and more as the year progresses.